Though it might be hard to believe, 2022 is already right around the corner! As 2021 comes to an end, take time for a career check-in. New Year’s is a time for resolutions, and professional goals are no exception. But how can you decide which career goals to set for the upcoming year? Try asking yourself these questions, and if you think it’s time for a new opportunity, search for a new role with SURESTAFF!
Do I want to stay in my current job?
First, assess the job you already have. Do you enjoy your work? Are you fairly compensated? Are you still learning and growing as an employee and as a person? Do you want to stay where you are for the next 12 months? Wage rates have increased significantly for machine operators, CNC operators, and forklift operators. If you are looking at these as your next job, talk with your manager and indicate an interest. There may be a career path already in place.
Can I grow more in an alternative job?
Even if you like your current position, it may no longer be the best choice. Ask yourself whether you’re truly getting something out of your job, or if you are staying because it feels safe. Change can be scary, but it can also push us out of our comfort zone and into something more fulfilling. So take some time to analyze whether you could get more out of a new position. If you are considering moving away from a desk job and want to get a high-paying skilled or semi-skilled position, consider these high-demand jobs.
What’s my long-term career strategy?
Where do you see yourself in five years? What sort of career path do you want? Some people dream of the C-suite, others of opening their own business. Some want to work with their hands, while others have their sights set on a corner office. Figure out what trajectory you want your career to take in the long run. Reviewing your career goals – long-term and short-term should be one of your workplace resolutions for the new year.
How do I get from Point A to Point B?
With your long-term career strategy in mind, it’s time to start breaking it down into actionable professional goals and milestones. Work backward from your endpoint. What job is just below the one with the corner office? What’s just below that? Working backward from your long-term goal to the job you currently have will help you decide what moves you need to make now.
It’s never easy to decide whether or not to leave your current job, or to define your professional goals. As 2021 comes to a close, take a hard look at what you’re doing, how it’s going, and where you ultimately want to be. The right decision should soon become clear.
Ready for a new job?
If you’re ready for a new opportunity, SURESTAFF can help you find a light industrial position in Illinois, Indiana, or Wisconsin.