Workplace Halloween Costumes: Dos and Don’ts

If you’re a fan of spooky season, you’re likely already planning your Halloween costume. If you have to work that day, you might wonder if it’s okay to wear your costume. Every workplace sets its own rules, so be sure to ask. Even if you get the go-ahead, though, you’ll need to make sure you remain professional and work-appropriate. Here are a few dos and don’ts.


  • Consider the atmosphere. If your workplace is generally buttoned up and conservative, consider a less-is-more approach that incorporates a fun sweater and some accessories rather than a full-on costume.
  • Respect other cultures. Diversity and inclusion are extremely important, and you may work with people from all sorts of backgrounds. Make sure to avoid even the appearance of cultural appropriation.
  • Participate in group options. If your coworkers want to do a 90s theme or a space theme, go for it. The team bonding is worth the few bucks you might spend on a second Halloween costume.
  • Keep it simple and comfortable. You’ll still be expected to complete your full shift as normal, so work might not be the best place for stiletto boots. Also, bring along a change of clothes just in case a major client or customer drops by.


  • Wear anything remotely sexy. This is your place of business, and you’ll still have to look everyone in the eye tomorrow. Save the skintight costume for your friend’s party.
  • Bring politics to the office. On your off time, feel free to satirize or promote whatever candidates you like. But making a political stand at work is inappropriate and could have long-term consequences.
  • Bring weapons. Even an obviously fake sword or lightsaber could run afoul of company policies. And you certainly don’t want to spend Halloween sitting in the security office trying to sort the whole thing out. Err on the side of caution—if you wouldn’t bring it on an airplane, don’t bring it to work.
  • Be judgmental. Some people don’t like dressing up. Some may choose costumes that you would never pick. So what? Enjoy Halloween your way and give your coworkers the space to enjoy it as they see fit.


Dressing up for Halloween at work can be fun, but it’s important to remain professional. The tips above will help to ensure that you don’t damage your reputation while enjoying the day.

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