Today’s workforce includes members of an incredible five generations: The Greatest Generation, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z. Each generation has its own unique styles and preferences. And, of course, every worker is an individual that does not necessarily fit the stereotypes of their generation. But with Millennials currently making up the bulk of the workforce, it’s worthwhile to lean into management policies that address their needs and concerns. Here are some tips to help manage millennials.
Find Their Motivation
Millennials are a peculiar blend of individualistic and cooperative. They tend to believe that one of the roles of a larger organization is to support each person’s authentic self. In the workplace, this means finding each person’s individual motivation. Personalize incentives, focusing on such non-cash rewards as company “shout outs”, extra time off, mentorship programs, or adventures and experiences.
Focus on Phone Etiquette
Millennials grew up with email, texting, and other written forms of communication, and many rarely if ever, talk on the phone in their personal lives. This means that they may be less familiar with basic phone practices than previous generations. Take the time to coach them on professional phone protocols, as well as the importance of avoiding “text speak” in written communications.
Offer Flexibility
The pandemic dramatically sped up the implementation of remote and hybrid work at most offices. And Millennials are taking full advantage of these options. As much as possible, offer flexibility in both scheduling, PTO (paid time off) and work location. Also, make sure you’re using the latest tools and technologies to help remote, and hybrid employees feel like part of the team.
Prioritize Communication and Transparency
Millennials like to feel that they are part of something bigger than themselves. They also want to know that their contributions are valued. Share your company’s mission and how each department supports that mission. Keep the lines of communication open, frequently giving and receiving feedback. Prioritize learning, career growth, communication, integrity and honesty.
Take on a Social Cause
Millennials tend to be highly socially aware, and they are more likely to be loyal to a company that is making a difference. Offer plenty of opportunities to get behind a cause, from donating money to volunteering. It will help your Millennial workers feel more connected, while also providing an opportunity for team building.
Base Teams on Individual Strengths and Weaknesses
As a whole, Millennials tend to prioritize collaboration over competition. When building your teams, figure out how each person’s strengths and weaknesses affect the whole. Periodically meet one-on-one with your team members to et and give direct feedback, learn their strengths and weaknesses, and to better understand their career goals. The goal is for each team to be truly stronger together, with every member making a valuable contribution.
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