By 2025, some estimates indicate that approximately 63.8% of the global workforce will be millennials and Generation Z workers. These younger workers have a very different value set than their older counterparts, making it a much more difficult sell and recruit opportunities in today’s competitive staffing environment.
Hiring new and talented employees can without a doubt help your organization grow. Since younger workers are slated to make up more than half of the workforce in the coming years, companies should work that much harder to understand how to attract them.
So, what is the advantage of hiring younger workers?
First, these workers provide more “get-up-and-go.” Younger employees may often bring fresh perspectives, new skills, and creative energy to the business. Furthermore, they may be more likely to stick with your company for years—especially if you provide the needed ingredients to attract and retain them.
Ways to attract younger employees
Many companies court younger employees with things like flexible and hybrid work schedules and trendy office spaces. But, several key perks appeal to the younger generation more than others. The following are five important ways that you can consider to attract these workers:
1. Offer benefits with an emphasis on mental health.
With the influx of mental health issues brought on by the pandemic, many younger workers are seeking comprehensive benefits packages that include mental health care. Some companies are meeting the mark are by promoting “mental wellness days,” as well as offering educational mental health seminars, providing access to mental health providers, and promoting self-care.
2. Foster growth opportunities.
Younger workers want to know that there will be opportunities available for advancement—namely learning new skills and moving up in their careers. Foster a culture of growth and define career paths by creating a peer mentorship program, implementing cross-departmental training, and involving employees in goal-setting.
“Make it clear from the outset that you train your team and are invested in career development at your company. Let younger hires know they’ll be trusted to lead projects from day one. Many graduates are eager to start working and build their careers quickly; they want to know you’ll help them progress.” —Mark Stallings, Co-Founder CASELY.
3. Be active on social media.
In this day and age, if you want to attract younger workers, you must have a strong social media presence. When you provide content of value on the social platforms that your target audience is frequenting, it will show that you are a strong and cool brand—and more candidates will be likely to apply. Learn more about how you can create an effective social recruitment strategy.
4. Offer an internship program.
By developing an internship program with local colleges and universities, you will attract a myriad of young people to your company. It’s a win-win because college students need experience for their resumes’, and you can help nurture them for potential future full-time opportunities. Treat the internship as a mentorship program and be honest about the potential for employment. Giving interns meaningful work, like what they’d be doing as an employee, is a great way to cultivate future talent.
5. Highlight the causes you support.
Today’s younger generation is attracted to companies that aren’t afraid to publicly stand behind important social causes and include language in their communications and job descriptions that openly support inclusion and diversity. When you highlight the values and causes that your brand supports, it will go a long way in drawing in younger talent. In fact, research has shown that more socially responsible companies are more attractive to employees because they identify themselves with the causes.
The benefits of hiring younger talent
In addition to bringing new and fresh ideas to the table, younger workers are also more eager to learn. They bring enthusiasm which is great for team building, productivity, and workplace morale. They can also help you better understand how to communicate and reach their peers—which can be beneficial from both a recruitment and marketing perspective.
Furthermore, millennials, in particular, have a natural aptitude for technology, social media, and creativity, and are said to be some of the most ambitious employees in the workforce. They are self-starters and entrepreneurial, which means they will bring forth innovative ideas. If your company has an active promotion to expand diversity and inclusion (and it should), focusing on culture diversity and inclusion of all workers can be accelerated by hiring entry-level employees that can bring global richness to your employee base.
Younger or “early talent” is also more flexible and adaptable—that’s because they’ve grown up in an era of constant change. With that being said, the ability to train these new hires into the type of employee you want and need has wide appeal. They will not be set in their ways and won’t require extensive training (since they are naturally tech-savvy.) Building this culture early on, is great for retention as well.
So, why not take a chance, and start working on ways how to attract younger workers to your company and organization? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!
About the Author
Kim is a seasoned content marketing professional with over twelve years of corporate communications experience. Her sweetspot is with creative writing both short and long-form. She has a proven track record working with IBM, Jackson Healthcare, and Walt Disney World, among many others. Kim is a singer and actress and has been performing on stage and screen her entire life and has a great passion for TV and film production. Connect with Kim on LinkedIn.