We are thankful to our temporary staff and internal employees for their commitment and hard work as critical infrastructure employees during these extraordinary times in our nation’s history as we face the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic. Our temporary staff are working in various production facilities and warehouses in order to help restock the shelves of our grocery stores.
SURESTAFF is proactive and committed to keeping our temporary staff and internal employees safe during these challenging times. We are working with our clients to implement and follow the latest CDC (Centers for Disease Control) guidelines. In accordance with the CDC guidelines for critical infrastructure workers, we are already implementing and working to purchase additional supplies to implement the following guidelines:
Guidelines Overview:
Require temp staff and employees to wear PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) such as disposable gloves and masks. We will be purchasing an additional 20,000 disposable masks and 20,000 boxes of disposable rubber gloves.
We have currently distributed 55 gallons of hand sanitizer to our client locations for temporary staff and at branch offices for our internal employees. We have also purchased an additional 150 gallons of hand sanitizer.
Install shield guards at each of our 20 branches in order to further protect our employees.
Monitor staff temperature using infrared thermometers in accordance with CDC guidelines.
Implement contact tracing when a staff member has been suspected of having COVID-19 and allowing for sufficient quarantine and recovery time.
Send employees home immediately if they exhibit any COVID-19-related symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath).
Actively promoting proper hygiene (handwashing and proper coughing/sneezing) and social distancing.
Specific Steps We Are Taking Towards Health and Safety:
All internal employees will wear a mask if there are two or more people in the office.
Passengers in transportation vans will be seated apart, two temps per seat. Drivers will wear a mask when passengers are in the van. Vans will be sanitized after every use and at a minimum of twice per week in order to help keep surfaces sanitized.
Employees will wash their hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
Not share any equipment.
Maintain a 6-foot distance from each other at all times (including the lunchroom).
New candidates will submit applications through our online portals, not in person. Interviews will be conducted over the phone. Once hired over the phone, a candidate may come into the office to complete paperwork. Clean all surfaces between applicant appointments.
Only 1 person will enter the branch at a time and stay 6 feet apart while waiting in line.
Wipe down all frequently used surfaces with disinfectant wipes throughout the day.
Gloves and masks are to be utilized when cleaning.
We encourage direct deposit of checks in order to minimize person-to-person contact.
SURESTAFF offers seasonal job opportunities, temporary, temp-to-hire or temp-to-perm, direct-hire and skilled staffing opportunities throughout the Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin areas. We also offer onsite staffing solutions. SURESTAFF provides direct deposit, overtime opportunities and transportation to a job site. Once hired on as a permanent employee, additional benefits are offered to employees.
To learn more about our client services: CLICK HERE
To find temp-to-hire or other employment opportunities visit our job board: CLICK HERE
For additional information or should you have any questions, please fill out our contact form.